One person dead in car crash, investigation ongoing
In a press release, the crash happened in the area of South Somerton Avenue and West County 9th Street at around 8:15pm on…
Continue ReadingIn a press release, the crash happened in the area of South Somerton Avenue and West County 9th Street at around 8:15pm on…
Continue ReadingAccording to sources, the crash happened Saturday morning, off the main exit heading east into Gila Bend, off of…
Continue ReadingAccording to the El Centro Police Department (ECPD), the crash happened Tuesday night in the area of Cooley Road and Evan Hewes…
Continue ReadingThe crash happened at about 9:00pm Tuesday after officers responded to the intersection of East Broadway and South Kenwood Street. The Glendale…
Continue ReadingIn a press release, the crash happened at around 4:10pm Thursday in the area of South Avenue 3E and East County 14th Street, and the Yuma County…
Continue ReadingA motorcycle crashing into a truck closed off a section of S. 8th Avenue and W. 24th Street area, according to the Yuma Police Department…
Continue ReadingA 20-year-old Mexicali man was flown to the hospital after it crashed into a Holtville resident driving a white corolla.…
Continue ReadingThe Yuma Police Department (YPD) gave an explanation on how a full-sized truck crashed into two homes…
Continue ReadingThe owner of the mobile coffee store said the truck towing the car was in his dad’s driveway when it was stolen. One of the employees was inside when…
Continue ReadingYFD says the driver had minor injuries, but that the driver refused to be taken to the hospital. In addition, YFD says none of the people inside the…
Continue ReadingWe have received reports of a truck crashing into a…
Continue ReadingA car crash involving children led to them hospitalized in Phoenix, according to the Somerton Police Department…
Continue ReadingA fatal passenger bus accident was reported Sunday afternoon on the San Felipe-Puertecitos Highway. Rescue work on the accident and transfers began…
Continue ReadingCrews were dispatched to search for two people who went missing after a helicopter crashed off the Na Pali Coast on…
Continue ReadingThe geyser was inactive, but still contained hot acidic water, reaching temperatures of up to 105 degrees Fahrenheit, and the passengers were able to…
Continue ReadingSkyCal flew over the spot of the derailment, where several cars of the train could be seen turned on their…
Continue ReadingThe crash happened a little after 7:30pm on Sunday near Haster Street and Twintree Lane, according to the Orange County Fire Authority…
Continue ReadingIt happened at the Independence Day Fair in Williams when authorities say a sudden thermal gust of wind caused the tethered balloon to break free,…
Continue ReadingA motorcyclist was pronounced dead after being taken to Yuma Regional Medical Center (YRMC), according to the Yuma Police Department…
Continue ReadingReports say a car crash on 1st Avenue and 6th Street caused the streets to close…
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