Federal student loan payments restarting Sunday
Borrowers have had a financial reprieve for more than three years as a pandemic-era repayment pause was extended multiple…
Continue ReadingBorrowers have had a financial reprieve for more than three years as a pandemic-era repayment pause was extended multiple…
Continue ReadingThe McCain Institute at Arizona State University (ASU) said it’s proud to announce the new John S. McCain III National Library on the campus of ASU…
Continue ReadingThe Arizona at Work Youth Services Program is helping teens and young adults find…
Continue ReadingIt was 66 years ago Monday that the Little Rock Nine made their way into Central High School as the first African Americans to attend the…
Continue ReadingYuma School District One has a program motivating parents to help their children…
Continue ReadingIn a statement by the Arizona Education Association (AEA), “there were about 7,518 job opening for teachers” across the state of…
Continue ReadingThe Imperial County Public Health Department and California Highway Patrol held a child car seat inspection for Child Safety Awareness…
Continue ReadingIn a press release, AWC is the only community college in the state of Arizona “to show enrollment growth over five years,” with a 2.34% increase from…
Continue ReadingGila Ridge High School’s Film and TV Production program and teacher James Kuzniak received a “Play Ball” grant award of $1,000 from the Arizona…
Continue ReadingKaren Preston was awarded a $1,000 check on August 30 for being the first professional in Arizona to complete a new “continuing education…
Continue ReadingIn this new education model being piloted at eight campuses across the state, including Southwestern College in Chula Vista, the only thing students…
Continue ReadingThe Southwest Technical Education District of Yuma and YUHSD teamed up for a new cosmetology…
Continue ReadingA Kofa High School freshman pulls off a remarkable academic…
Continue ReadingThe Yuma Union High School District will be using a new program called “ParentSquare” that will help parents and schools communicate on a much better…
Continue ReadingLocal high school teachers were awarded the Arizona Public Service Co. (APS) “Supply My Class” Grant on Wednesday and received $500 each to buy…
Continue ReadingThe Biden-Harris Administration has launched the Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) Plan for student loan borrowers.…
Continue ReadingArizona Western College (AWC) Director of Facilities Management Steve Eckert was honored by the U.S. Department of Energy and featured on the…
Continue ReadingYuma Union High School District (YUHSD) said Gila Ridge High School will be dismissing students at 11 a.m. on Monday due to a broken water main near…
Continue ReadingYuma Union High School District (YUHSD) launched ParentSquare, which is a unified school-to-home communication platform that allows families in the…
Continue ReadingAccording to a press release, the event will take place on Thursday, September 28, running from 5:00pm to 7:00pm, and will feature crafts, games and…
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