Protests erupt in Mexico City over delayed water payments to the U.S.
MEXICO CITY (KYMA/KECY/AP) – Train tracks are blocked, highway toll booths are in ashes and protestors set fire to government offices, this is the…
Continue ReadingMEXICO CITY (KYMA/KECY/AP) – Train tracks are blocked, highway toll booths are in ashes and protestors set fire to government offices, this is the…
Continue ReadingRepublican candidate for the Arizona house Steve Montenegro served in the Arizona state legislature from 2008 to 2016. Now he’s seeking a seat in…
Continue ReadingImperial County has now seen its deadliest day since the start of the…
Continue ReadingThe El Centro Police Department (ECPD) asks for the public’s help in finding the suspects responsible for an early morning…
Continue ReadingArizona Governor Doug Ducey will provide an update on the state’s coronavirus response Thursday…
Continue ReadingThe El Centro Police Department (ECPD) says a body has been discovered along the city’s railroad…
Continue ReadingMEXICALI, B.C. Mexico (KYMA, KECY) – House fires have increased by 50 percent in Mexicali this summer, mainly due to faulty electrical…
Continue ReadingMEXICALI, B.C. Mexico – En esta temporada de calor los incendios en casa habitación se han incrementado hasta un 50 por ciento, en la mayoría de…
Continue ReadingYuma Sector Border Patrol Agents are seeing a big increase in rescues in remote parts of Yuma County, particularly in the Wellton…
Continue ReadingLocal realtors host donation drive for children with special needs.…
Continue ReadingNILAND, Calif. (KYMA, KECY) – Families displaced by the Niland fire in June will be moving into temporary housing starting Friday. Thirty-one…
Continue ReadingCorporate giant steps in to help Arizonans in need…
Continue ReadingYuma County Fairgrounds offering a safe event.…
Continue ReadingRetired Marine sets across the country to spread PTSD awareness…
Continue ReadingExtreme heat can be expected across the lower deserts today and Friday, with highs in Yuma County expected to reach or possibly exceed the 116 degree…
Continue ReadingLa actividad económica en México se contrajo en un 18,9% en el segundo trimestre comparado con el mismo período del año pasado, como resultado de…
Continue ReadingLa economía estadounidense se contrajo un 32,9% entre abril y junio, su peor caída registrada, dijo este jueves la Oficina de Análisis…
Continue ReadingFuncionarios de salud en Sonora confirman ocho nuevos casos en San Luis Río Colorado y cinco nuevas…
Continue ReadingHarvest Preparatory Academy celebra una reunión informativa COVID el jueves 30 de julio para explicar sus medidas de regreso a la escuela, el…
Continue ReadingEl presidente Donald Trump tuiteó el jueves por la mañana temprano si las elecciones presidenciales de 2020 deberían posponerse, alegando que…
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