AZ Minimum wage hike continues to challenge small businesses in rural areas
Proposition 206 raised the minimum wage to $12.00 an hour January 1, of 2020. YUMA, Ariz. (KYMA, KECY) – Over the past four years minimum wage…
Continue ReadingProposition 206 raised the minimum wage to $12.00 an hour January 1, of 2020. YUMA, Ariz. (KYMA, KECY) – Over the past four years minimum wage…
Continue Reading(KYMA, KECY) – In fourth grade, 9-year-old Bellen, of Leesburg, Virginia, gives other kids art kits that include crayons and markers to draw many…
Continue ReadingThe Soles de Mexicali won their fourth championship title in the National Professional Basketball League (LNBP) Tuesday.…
Continue ReadingCALEXICO, Calif. (KYMA, KECY), The Imperial County Continuum of Care (ICCC), is working to identify the biggest issues facing the homeless population…
Continue Reading(KYMA, KECY) – The search continued Tuesday for a Palo Alto couple last seen Friday in the Inverness area of Marin County.…
Continue ReadingThe Ft. Yuma Rotary Club and Alexander Toyota are presenting the 20th Annual Mardi Gras on Main. It will be held on February 21, from 5 p.m. to 11…
Continue ReadingAs a young adult growing up in Yuma, 20-year-old Alex Lackey has always had a passion for dance.…
Continue ReadingYuma’s best-kept secret, a place that gives children the basic necessities they need to feel good about themselves in…
Continue Reading(KYMA, KECY) – Tuesday is National Drink Wine Day! Celebrated every year on February 18, it’s a day to select your favorite wine and enjoy.…
Continue ReadingDaredevil Blake Wallenda performed a 200-foot-long skywalk between two hotels in Honolulu Monday.…
Continue ReadingDoctors are urging women who are pregnant to stay active for a healthy and easier…
Continue ReadingThe Federal Judges Assn. will host an emergency meeting on Tuesday to discuss the intervention of the Department of Justice and President Trump in…
Continue ReadingThe road to recovery could take several weeks, days, months, or even years.…
Continue Reading(KYMA, KECY) – One Los Angeles police officer is going beyond the call of duty, transforming the lives of young kids living in LA by getting them…
Continue Reading(KYMA, KECY) – Rancho San Antonio Preserve in Santa Clara County is temporarily closed after a 6-year-old girl was attacked by a mountain lion while…
Continue ReadingMEXICALI, Calif. (KYMA, KECY), Shelters in Mexicali are starting to see a new wave of immigrants come in from an unexpected place — Russia. One…
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