News 11 Weather Authority
Expect a brief warm-up, before our temps hover near normal through much of early…
Continue ReadingExpect a brief warm-up, before our temps hover near normal through much of early…
Continue ReadingYuma Catholic prepares for it’s rematch with Pusch Ridge in the 3A State…
Continue ReadingYuma Catholic Football’s latest playoff journey is about to continue with a rematch from earlier this…
Continue ReadingVacunas contra Coronavirus van…
Continue ReadingInternos de prisiones de California no pueden ver a familiares por…
Continue ReadingAseguran 400 pastillas de Fentanylo en San Luis,…
Continue ReadingGrowers are always looking for more efficient ways to protect their crops and ensure every seed gets a…
Continue ReadingYuma County is hosting another saliva-based coronavirus testing event at Cocopah Casino this Saturday for everyone with or without…
Continue ReadingBare Naked Soap Co. says some customers take issue with the shop’s mask requirement. But its owner wants to remind those who refuse to mask up, that…
Continue ReadingArea eateries join forces to help local child burn…
Continue ReadingThe El Centro Regional Medical center has seen an increase in coronavirus patients.…
Continue ReadingCalifornia Governor Gavin Newsom announced Monday the state could see another statewide stay-at-home order as soon as this…
Continue ReadingMexicali, B.C.- (T3) Un temblor de 2.4 grados en la escala de richter fue registrado la mañana de este lunes en la mancha urbana de Mexicali Aunque…
Continue ReadingCongratulations to Jayden Gubbels for being named Yuma County High School Teacher of the…
Continue ReadingIn the same way a mysterious monolith appeared in rural Utah, it just as quickly and inexplicably disappeared, according to Utah’s Bureau of Land…
Continue ReadingIt’s official – Joe Biden is the winner in…
Continue ReadingNews 11’s Adonis Albright speaks with the people behind the project to learn…
Continue ReadingDesde hace 30 años, la Iglesia Bautista Getsemanà se está preparando para servir platos con pavo a familias de escasos recursos con motivo del…
Continue ReadingLa Patrulla de Caminos de California dice que una mujer sobrevivió al…
Continue Reading(KYMA, KECY) – The holiday season is about to kick into high gear and shoppers are busy putting together their gift lists. But with so many options,…
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