Meet the man responsible for Imperial Valley law and fire photos
CALEXICO, Calif. (KYMA, KECY) - 20-year-old Camilo Garcia Jr. is a student at San Diego State University and is also a photographer.
He is the man who is behind the social media pages of Imperial Valley Law and Fire photos.
Garcia started taking pictures of first responders three years ago.
He said he noticed that there weren't a lot of images surrounding the hard work and dedication firemen and officers deal with when on an active call.
Therefore, Garcia contributes to showcasing the struggles and hard work it takes to be a first responder.
It was then and there that Garcia found the courage to ride alongside first responders and document up to the most dangerous calls.
15 years ago, Garcia was inspired to be a fireman when he was a young boy. His inspiration came from Calexico Fire Department.
Always comes prepared
An image was posted on Facebook from the Calexico Fire Department 15 years ago of Garcia as a young little boy on Fire Truck 91 alongside with active firemen Wes Knowlton and Raul Canizales.
“We’re really grateful that he takes those pictures for not only us but all of the first responder departments in the Valley because it really showcases a lot of what we do,” said Cainzales.
Fast forward to the present day, the three posed in front of that same fire truck reminiscing old times.
Garcia always comes prepared in case of a fire call or active scene. In his vehicle, he carries with him a police scanner and fire equipment gear.
Garcia is currently working on getting his license to be an aerial firefighter pilot.