CUSD gears up for potential coronavirus outbreak

CALEXICO, Calif. (KYMA, KECY)-As of now, there are no confirmed cases of the coronavirus in Imperial County, but Calexico schools are already preparing for a possible outbreak.
The Calexico Unified School District (CUSD), sent out a notice to parents informing them about the possibility of a school closure if a coronavirus outbreak occurs in the community.
Instructors have been advised to prepare to teach online if a school closure is issued.
Parents have also been told to prepare to keep their kids at home if it happens.
According to Imperial County Health Officials, all school districts in the valley have been instructed to do the same.
School districts have received coronavirus health guidelines from the county.
The guidelines have been provided by the state of California. They include protocols the Center for Disease Control and Prevention is recommending schools to follow.
According to CUSD, they are currently at a level 1 for the coronavirus.
The school district says a school closure would most likely occur at a level 3 or 4, but it would be up to the Imperial County Health Department to make the call.
Meanwhile, CUSD is ramping up efforts to prevent the spread of the coronavirus and the flu.
According to CUSD they are stocking up classrooms with hand sanitizers and face masks for students who are sick.
The district will also be implementing a “wash your hands” campaign to educate students on the importance of protecting themselves.
In addition, the CUSD nurse is working with schools to identify students who are sick. Students who appear ill will be isolated from students and staff.
Students with fever and other symptoms will be asked to stay home until they are fever-free for 24 hours.
CUSD will hold a presentation on all health measures being taken at schools at their district board meeting on Thursday.
For more on the guidelines, CUSD is following visit their website at,