Elks Lodge #476 donates food and toys to locals
YUMA, Ariz. (KYMA, KECY) - Elks Lodge #476 continued their 44-year-old tradition on donating boxes of food throughout Yuma County.
The lodge was able to donate over 260 food boxes and almost 700 toys. These donations were also delivered to their homes by volunteers.
Ramelle Allen, a local who received the gifts, says she is extremely grateful.
"It's lovely, it's wonderful, it's good, it shows that the community can help in a time of need and everything," said Allen.
Sandy Ramos, the chairman of the Christmas boxes, explains why she decided to take on the tradition.
"When I did it years ago, before I took chair in, this it was just amazing to see the people that were touched by all of it, so many people are in need and this just kind of helps them along the way. It's a small give back to the community and we're here to do that," said Ramos.
I was able to hop in the truck with Manny Sanchez, as he delivered some toys and boxes of food to those in need.
He explained to me why it is important to help those in need.
"It's a mindset: Just help out one person...Even if it's just to say 'Hi' more, smile at them, especially during the holidays, you have no idea what some of these people are going through," said Sanchez.
If you'd like to help out for this event next year, make sure to contact the Local Elks Lodge.