UA Arthritis Center Director to Discuss “Osteoarthritis Under the Microscope”
The Yuma Friends of the University of Arizona Health Sciences will host a free public presentation discussing new information about arthritis and its prevention on Thursday, Feb. 8th, at the Goodwill Yuma Career Center.
The lecture will be hosted at the Goodwill Yuma Career Center located at 3097 S. Eighth Ave. at 6 p.m. C. Kent Kwoh, MD, Director of the University of Arizona Arthritis Center, will be discussing new information on the causes of osteoarthritis which affects 53 million men, women, and children in the United States.
Osteoarthritis is a complex condition that involves the breakdown of cartilage in joints and changes in the adjacent soft tissue and bone beneath the cartilage.
New treatments are on the horizon and other findings will also be discussed, as well as risk key factors and new research used to gain an understanding of the development.