Topic of the Day: Eagles claw their way to a win
13 On Your Side wants to know your thoughts:
It’s one of the most anticipated sporting events of the year; and whether you watch it for the game, the commercials or the half-time show, you’re not alone. On Sunday, according to the latest numbers over a hundred million people watched as the Eagles fought for their first Super Bowl win. The Patriots came in to the game with five Super Bowl rings in hand and were favored by many to take home a sixth.
As far as commercials were involved it seems Hollywood Icons were on the menu with appearances by stars like Danny Devito and Morgan Freeman. The half-time show brought back Justin Timberlake and even brought back the essence that is Prince. All in all this year’s Super Bowl was one for the books.
13 On Your Side wants to know your thoughts:
What are your thoughts on the Super Bowl?