Coffe with a cop in Yuma
“Coffee with a Cop” is a nationwide event that brings the community and police force together.
This morning, people from all over Yuma County, came together for a cup of coffee and some breakfast at Brownie’s Cafe. The cafe was packed with people asking police officers questions about their experience and raising concerns about the community.
YPD officer, Craig Johnson, was speaking with people around the restaurant and even serving coffee to tables.
“They get a chance to see us as normal citizens too living in the same community as them. We’re concerned about the same events and the same problems that they are, and it’s just a good way for all of us to get together and hopefully tried to solve some of them,” Johnson saids.
In less than five years, “Coffee with a Cop” events have been in all 50 states. It is also one of the most successful community oriented policing programs across the country.