Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys to give away Thanksgiving food packages for local families

Drive-thru event will be on Wednesday, November 15 at Yuma County Fairgrounds
YUMA, Ariz. (KYMA, KECY) - Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys will be hosting a free Yuma Thanksgiving drive-thru event to help benefit local families in need of a Thanksgiving dinner.
The event will be on Wednesday, November 15 from 12 p.m. until supplies last at the Yuma County Fairgrounds located at 2520 E. 32nd St.
Event members from the law firm will give away 750 meal packages which will include goodies to help prepare a traditional Thanksgiving meal.
The firm asks families to remain in their vehicles and open their trunk or side door to allow volunteers to put the items inside the vehicle since it's a drive-thru event.
Only one Thanksgiving food package will be handed out per vehicle on a first-come, first-served basis while supplies last and no exceptions will be made.
“Our team is thrilled to be back in Yuma. This time, instead of backpacks stuffed with school supplies, we’re hosting a FREE Thanksgiving meal package giveaway to benefit local families facing financial insecurities. Yuma is just one of four Arizona cities that our team is visiting during our annual Thanksgiving Giveaways tour which spans across four states from Arizona to Southern Nevada to New Mexico to Northwest Indiana.” Attorney Kevin Rowe continued, “Additionally, right after Thanksgiving, we will launch our annual 25 Days of Giving giveaway on social media.”
For more information about Lerner and Rowe’s Yuma Thanksgiving meal package giveaway visit LernerAndRowe.com/thanksgiving-giveaways, follow the law firm’s Facebook page, call 928-222-2222, or email Cindy Ernst at cernst@lernerandrowe.com.