Nearly $1 billion funding going towards Arizona’s highways, roads and bridges

Arizona highway infrastructure to be repaired
WASHINGTON, D.C. (KYMA, KECY) - The Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs law, will be funding $969 million for Arizona's highways, roads and bridges.
“Our bipartisan infrastructure law is making historic investments to strengthen, improve, and modernize our highways, roads, and bridges to create thousands of jobs and keep Arizonans safe as they travel to work, see loved ones, go to school, and much more,” stated Senator Sinema, co-author and lead negotiator of the act.
The recently passed law was put together by Senators Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) and Mark Kelly (D-AZ), which puts emphasis on repairing and rebuilding Arizona's infrastructure.
“In Arizona, this funding from our bipartisan infrastructure law is going to upgrade the major freeways, interstates, and bridges we all use every day, and make them safer and less congested. In repairing and modernizing our roadways, we are going to create thousands of good-paying jobs while literally laying the groundwork for Arizona to remain the best place to live, work and raise a family,” explained Kelly, member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.
The multibillion-dollar Infrastructure Law invests money to be distributed over the next five years.