Border Patrol seizes more than 66 pounds of meth in road bust

Seizure takes place at vehicle stop off of I-5
CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. (KYMA, KECY) - U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) agents seized more than 66 pounds of methamphetamine from a traffic stop on Tuesday afternoon.
The incident began at 3 p.m. when USBP agents patrolling Interstate 5 stopped a driver in a gray Ford Escape.
Agents questioned the 28-year-old male U.S. citizen, and then deployed a service canine to conduct an exterior sniff of the vehicle. The canine alerted to the rear of the vehicle. Physically inspecting the SUV cargo area, agents discovered a large bin filled with plastic-wrapped bundles consistent with narcotics trafficking.
Authorities arrested the man and transported him to a nearby station for processing. Agents probed one of the bundles, revealing a white, crystalline substance which was determined to be methamphetamine.
The bundles weighed approximately 66 pounds, and have an estimated street value of $118,800. Both the driver and narcotics were turned over to the Drug Enforcement Administration for further investigation and prosecution. USBP also confiscated the vehicle.
To prevent the illicit smuggling of humans, drugs, and other contraband, the USBP maintains a high level of vigilance on corridors of egress away from our Nation’s borders. To report suspicious activity to the USBP, please contact San Diego Sector at (619) 498-9900.