Yuma Police Department honors local at City Council meeting

Citizen used fire extinguisher to help officer whose motorcylce was on fire
YUMA, Ariz. (KECY, KYMA) - The Yuma Police Department honored a local who helped one of their officers on a burning motorcycle at a City Council meeting.
Daniel Sutton, while working at Rising Star Collision Specialists, saw officer Aaron Mrofka in the road at the intersection on Avenue A and 8th Street, getting off of his burning bike.
He quickly grabbed a fire extinguisher from the shop and put out the fire
Sutton says he hopes his actions inspire others.
“It’s good to be noticed, hopefully everyone else can do the same when they see something like that," Sutton said.
Officer Mrofka was grateful that the department decided to honor him.
“I know a lot of fellow officers watched videos of other citizens driving around me, not caring, it was nice to see someone still cared, and didn’t want me to burn," Mrofka said.
Sutton was presented with a citizen recognition plaque for courageous actions without regard for his own personal safety.
Mroffka said he was out for three weeks due to the burns on his arm and leg, but said if not for Sutton's actions, his injuries could have been a lot more serious.