Prescribed burning planned at Mittry Lake, Senator Wash

To reduce threat of wildfires and improve access for recreation
YUMA, Ariz. (KYMA, KECY) - The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) of Yuma will conduct prescribed burnings in areas surrounding Senator Wash and Mittry Lake.
BLM says activities at Mittry Lake will take place between February and March. The activities at Senator wash are scheduled from February through April.
BLM fire personnel will clear piles of invasive, non-native plant life from shoreline and roads to improve access for emergency responders, outdoor recreation, and to reduce wildfire threats.
These prescribed burning may take place multiple times over the indicated months.
BLM says residents should expect some light smoke in the area, but smoke impact will be monitored and should be minimal.
Access to the burn sites may also be temporarily restricted for safety.