One college student strives to make a difference in COVID-19 testing

YUMA, Ariz. (KYMA, KECY) - A college student from Imperial is at the epicenter of coronavirus testing in Washington, striving to make a difference in the community.
Anna Chao is a 20-year-old from Imperial who attended Concordia University in Irvine, California, as a Biology major. She was in her Junior year of college when the coronavirus pandemic hit and students were sent back home to wait out the virus.
It was Anna's roommate, Hannah, who received an invitation to work at the virology lab at the University of Washington in Seattle. From there, Anna decided to apply and was hired to help.
Anna works graveyard shifts at the virology lab processing COVID-19 tests. This same lab has also developed testing resources which have made an impact in early recognition of the virus when the outbreak first began in Washington.
Anna says by working at the lab gives her an opportunity to serve her community. She also says this is an opportunity that will benefit her education.
Tune in to News 11 at 5 pm as Crystal Jimenez brings you more on Anna's experiences at the lab and what one doctor has to say about the COVID-19 detection tests.