Karen Watts holds first public campaign event for mayor

The event was held at the Cafecito coffee shop in Downtown Yuma, where Watts says she wanted to engage with the public - 13 On Your Side's Luis Lopez reports
YUMA, Ariz. (KYMA, KECY) - There's a new candidate running for mayor in Yuma, and it's someone locals should be familiar with.
Council woman Karen Watts held her first public campaign event earlier Saturday.
Watts invited the public to the Cafecito coffee shop in Downtown Yuma.
There, she talked with people about what issues she plans to tackle, along with giving out raffle prizes and drinks to those who came.
"People have already told me that they want to see their leadership in the community, so I'm here to show my face and let them know I'm here and introduce myself," Watts said.
If elected, Watts' primary goals include addressing climate change, traffic issues, and public safety.
Watts would also be Yuma's first female mayor since Marilyn Young, who was elected back in 1994.