Yuma’s Most Wanted-August 3, 2020

YUMA, Ariz. (KYMA, KECY)-The Yuma Police Department advises the community to call your local law enforcement agency if you have any information that will lead to the arrest of any of Yuma's Most Wanted.
Do not attempt to apprehend them yourself. To report them call 911, 78-CRIME, or (928) 782-7463.
Roxana Fuentes-Martinez
Hispanic female, 33. Height 5’1”, weight 120. Black hair, brown eyes. Her probation violation is for the original conviction of the following: Count Two: Possession of Drug Paraphernalia Involving Methamphetamine, a class six felony.
Misty Rose Einberger
White female, 36. Height 5’7”, weight 168. Brown hair, brown eyes. Alias: Misty Einber. Tattoos: Left wrist – hearts and stars, right wrist – “Music” / Music notes and stars, back – stars. Her probation violation is for the original conviction of the following: Count Two: Possession of Drug Paraphernalia Involving Methamphetamine, a class six felony, and Amended Count Two: Attempted Possession of a Dangerous Drug Involving Methamphetamine, a class five felony.
Yuritza Tirado
Hispanic female, 26. Height 5’0”, weight 110. Brown hair, brown eyes. Alias: Yuritza Longoria. Tattoos: Left forearm – “RIP”, left wrist – “NYKO”. Her probation violation is for the original conviction of the following: Amended Count One: Attempted Importation of Dangerous Drug, a class three felony.
Mario Rafael Del Rio
Hispanic male, 31. Height 5’5”, weight 190. Brown hair, brown eyes. Tattoos: Full body, numerous markings on head, face. His probation violation is for the original conviction of the following: Count Two: Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, a class six felony.