YUHSD staff trained to assess students who may be high on drugs
It’s an unfortunate reality that drugs, like opioids , have become a problem in schools across the nation and certainly in Yuma County.
That’s why long-time Tucson police officer Bill Honomichl says the Drug Impairment Training for Educational Professionals (DITEP) will better prepare Yuma Union High School District (YUHSD) staff for these situations.
Although teachers and school officials are hired to prepare students for academic success, Cibola High School’s assistant principal, Corey Semler said their main priority is student safety.
Nowadays, keeping school grounds secure include preparing teachers to know when a student in their classroom is high.
Semler said, ” It’s a generational movement where students are more exposed [to drugs]. When you’re assessing someone that you presume to be under the influence we truly believe the eyes are the windows to the soul. The eyes can’t lie. ”
YUHSD teachers and administrators learned about the HGN test.
It works by looking at eye movement and can even help them determine what drugs a student is on.
Semler mentioned that it’s also important for staff to build relationships with their students; that way they’re able to distinguish normal behaviors and characteristics from erratic and possibly drug-impaired behavior.
If school professionals are able to prove a student is under the influence of any illegal drug using the learned DITEP assessments, then law enforcement gets involved.
The student can also face long term suspension and if they are in possession of an illegal drug they will face expulsion.