Men walk in high heels to raise sexual violence awareness
Men walking in high heels!
Dozens of Imperial Valley men will do this today in front of El Centro’s Courthouse and down Main Street to raise awareness on sexual assault against women and men.
Organized by the local Sure Helpline Crisis Center. They said sexual and domestic violence in the area is serious. They’re reaching out to victims to help them say no to the violence and to receive other services available to them.
This is the 6 th annual event and it’s free to the public. There will be dancing by some men in high heels.
Kenia Felix, I.V. Sure Helpline Crisis Center, said, “It happens in this community in imperial county. It happens in facilities. It happens just to about anybody; it does not discriminate. And there’s a lot of services for victims of sexual violence.”
Robert Amparano, a local volunteer who’ll be walking in women’s high heels at the event, said, “Even walking in her shoes for this instant might give people an idea to say, things are not good”
The event starts at five p.m. in front of the courthouse.