Candidates highlight experience and community service as their strengths
The two candidates for Superior Judge in Imperial County want the community to know first of all why they’re in the race. Monica Lepe-Negrete said, “The number one reason is my desire to serve and to make a difference.” Tom Storey said, “I love the courtroom. I love the interaction between the attorneys and the jury. I like talking to people. I am a people person.” They have the required experience. “[I’ve]been able to serve both as a deputy district attorney and as a public defender handling criminal cases from both sides,” Lepe-Negrete said. “I have handled defense of capital murder cases. I have prosecuted murder cases. I have defended murder cases,” Storey said. They want to bring something unique to the courtroom. “To make sure that I give those that don’t normally have a voice, a voice. To make sure that everyone is treated fairly and that no one is given more power over others because of who they are,” Lepe-Negrete said.
“I would always make sure I was giving the people the best possible judge they deserved,” Lepe-Negrete said.
Attorney Lepe-Negrete has lived in the area for nearly 18 years and Storey is a native of Imperial Valley.