San Luis student named new Educators Rising State President
San Luis High School student Adriana Carranza was named President of Educators Rising for the state of Arizona on March 7, at the state leadership conference in Tucson.
Carranaza, a junior, served as Vice President a year ago and will hold the position of President for the 2018-19 school year.
The role of a state officer is to represent Arizona in a variety of events, including the National Leadership Conference.
“It is an incredible feeling to know that others from your state want you to represent them once more. With this, I want to thank first of all my dad, for supporting me through all of my goals, it means the world to me. Secondly, I want to thank my chapter and adviser Mr. Tim Morrison, for believing in me in the way that you all do. I am so glad to represent San Luis High School” said Carranaza.
Carranaza wants to attend the University of Pittsburgh and earn a degree in secondary education in order to teach at the high school level.
Carranaza hopes to teach English, Drama, and or Education Professions.