Deadline to renew DACA
The fate for DACA recipients is still up in the air until Congress makes a decision, but it doesn’t mean thousands of young men and women aren’t protected until that day comes.
The Mexican Consulate and other agencies in Yuma County are urging DACA recipients to renew their permit by October 5th, 2017, if their expiration date is before March 5th, 2018. The Chicanos por la Causa helps immigrants with DACA renewals and says time is limited.
“Immigration is giving them thirty days for them to send in their renewals and they will be processed,” said Iventh Lopez. “Right now we don’t really know what’s going to happen with the program, but if you know it’s going to expire before that period, just go ahead and send it in. It’s kind of scary not knowing and sending this information to immigration, but it’s something they already have.”
The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is not accepting any more applicants but Lopez says current members can still keep their rights until Congress makes a decision.
“An employer has no right asking a DACA recipient, under what category their AED card is, or they can’t stop them from being employed, even if they have the card with a valid date.
The Mexican Consulate will be holding a forum on September 23rd, 2017 for anyone who may have questions about the future of DACA. More details on the event will be added when officially announced.