APS approves 4.5% rate-hike
Customers who frequently leave their air conditioner at extremely cool temperatures may want to think twice.
According to Arizona Public Service, the Arizona Corporation Commission approved a 4.5% rate-hike on Tuesday. The hike will go into effect Saturday. Anna Chaulk with APS said the six dollar increase could potentially help customers in the future. “Anyone is going to be concerned if they have to pay [more] money,” Chaulk said. “But they can also save money depending on the plan they use.” According to Chaulk, APS will offer a variety of new plans to their customers, with some intended to lower the amount spent during peak-off hours. “It’s not just a rate-hike,” Chaulk said. “It’s a restructure. We were using a decades old model and those rate structures really just needed to be updated.” Other changes going into effect will include:
An updated time-of-use plan that will become the standard rate for future customers;
Two optional demand rate plans, plus a pilot demand rate for customers with certain types of
technology at their homes, all of which would provide even more opportunities to save;
Additional savings for customers with two more off-peak hours on weekdays (3 p.m. to 8 p.m.
instead of noon to 7 p.m.) and four more off-peak holidays; and
A plan that includes a super off-peak period of 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. weekdays in winter to
encourage customers to use more electricity at midday when solar production is abundant and demand is low.