Border Patrol gears up for Citizen’s Academy
The U.S. Border Patrol is now accepting registration forms for their citizen’s academy.
Agents say they are excited to share their daily job duties with the public.
“The main point is to build and strengthen the trust and transparency between the Border Patrol and the community, because without the community we would not be as successful as we are,” said Richard Withers, Border Patrol agent.
Agents say the course will be very hands-on. Participants will learn about, tracking someone, rescues, agriculture inspections and even use of force as an agent.
The course will be every Wednesday 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. from February 1 to March 1.
Applications are due by January 18.
You can pick up a registration form at Border Patrol Headquarters, the San Luis port of entry or call Border Patrol for an e-mail form.