Remote Patient Monitoring Program developed to assist patients
YUMA, Ariz. (KYMA, KECY) - Yuma Regional Medical Center (YRMC) has developed a new program to help patients even after they have left the hospital.
The Remote Patient Monitoring Program assists acute and chronically ill patients who are no longer in the hospital at YRMC.
Sarah Buchanan leads the program and was able to share how it is all personalized.
“Everybody has different needs some we’re working on managing their blood pressure medication some others are congestive heart failure so basically we need to focus more on weight on some patients some others on their medication some others on losing weight,” said Nurse Buchanan.
Patients are given a variety of Bluetooth devices that allow a nurse to check on their blood pressure and weight from a remote location.
“Identify needs much earlier same days as there happening there’s also a questionnaire a symptoms questionnaire that patients should fill out every morning and that also helps our nurse," said Remote Patient Monitoring Director, Luz Wiley.
The program started last October and it currently has almost 60 patients, but that number changes daily.
Nurse Wiley was able to share what happens if the machines show signs of something wrong.
“Sarah will call or they’ll call same day right after the vital signs come through from the monitoring and then they talk about what’s going on and if the need should arise that they be seen we get them right into the clinic to be seen same day,” said Nurse Wiley.
In order to be a part of the program, one must either be recommended by a medical professional or contact Nurse Buchanan.