‘No on Prop 207’ AZ launches Spanish language website

New site examines down side of legal marijuana initiative
PHOENIX, Ariz. (KYMA, KECY) - The "No on 207" campaign has launched a new website focusing on educating Arizona's Spanish-speaking voters about the drawbacks of legalizing recreational marijuana in Arizona.
Proposition 207 makes the possession and use of pot legal for those 21 and older. It also allows adults to grow up to six marijuana plants in their homes, as long as they're locked up and out of site.
The new site, NoPropuesta207.com, calls attention to what the opposition describes as "the damaging effects" suffered by other states who've passed similar ballot propositions.
"Legalizing recreational marijuana through Prop 207 would put Hispanic Arizonans and all Arizonans in more danger on our roads by weakening DUID laws. It would put our children and teens at risk, because it allows marijuana-laced candies and gummies to be marketed to our kids. And, it would negatively affect our economy as marijuana-related expenses surpass the cap put on marijuana taxes," says "No on 207" chairwoman Lisa James."
11 states have already legalized recreational marijuana. Medical marijuana is legal in another 16, including Arizona.
Proponents claim legal weed will add billions to the economy, created hundreds of thousands of jobs, and free up police resources needed to combat violent crimes.