El Centro’s amended fireworks ordinance didn’t stop locals from using illegal fireworks
Multiple citations issued despite ordinance in place - News 11's Vanessa Gongora reports
EL CENTRO, Calif. (KYMA, KECY) - Locals continued to use illegal fireworks on the Fourth of July even though there are major consequences.
The amended Fireworks Ordinance was put in effect on June 7 stating the host will now be responsible for any use or possession of illegal fireworks on or adjacent to their property, regardless if they are the ones who set the fireworks off.
For the first violation, the fine is $1,000. $2,500 for the second violation within one year of the first violation and $5,000 for each additional violation within one year of the first violation.
According to Sgt. John Seaman with the El Centro Police Department, nine citations were issued this year compared to 2021 with five citations.
He says there were 37 calls for service this past 4th of July regarding illegal fireworks, which is more than last year's 28 calls for service.
"We had more officers on the streets this year than year's past and the fire department was out there assisting us with patrolling the area," says Sgt. Seaman.
Cedric Cesena, El Centro's Fire Battalion Chief, says there was an increase of fires due to illegal fireworks use.
"This year we had a total of six incidents relating to fireworks on the 4th of July. Three of those incidents were small nuisance fires basically debris left after the illegal fireworks were utilized, one was a trash bin fire," says Chief Cesena. "One was a brush fire small in nature as well caused by fireworks and we had an incident where someone got burned as well."
According to Cesena, the burn victim had first and second degree burns, which was a result of using illegal fireworks.
"Basically they had a box or case of approximately maybe 30 to 42 tubes with illegal fireworks in them. The subject came close to the box to light it for discharge, it malfunctioned and fired in his face," says Chief Cesena. "Injuring part of his face and about three quarters of his head."
Ceseña says this is just one example of how illegal fireworks are dangerous and should not be used.