Home Grown: Eye gnat program keeps pesky bugs away from your home
YUMA, Ariz. (KYMA, KECY) - In today's Home Grown, if you live on the Yuma Mesa and are bothered by pesky gnats, you're not alone, but there is something you can do to get rid of them.
Eye gnats are about 1/16 of an inch in size.
They're a problem because they seek moisture in your ears, mouth, eyes and noses.
The pests are mostly found in sandy soil and show up more when farmers are tilling the fields.
The county has an eye gnat program which traps the gnats away from your home, according to Elene McAdam,
"They'll come in smelling the bait, and the bait that we use is an egg-water solution so it doesn't have any chemicals in there. It stinks really bad. It smells like rotten eggs, so they're attracted to that, McAdam explained. "They go inside of the collar, they go up through the little hole in the cup and then they don't know how to get back out."
The eye gnat program is available for residents on the Mesa and will not cost any additional money because homeowners in that area are already paying for it through taxes.
The program is only available from February through November because the gnats like temperatures over 70 degrees. They flourish when it hits 90.
Each trap is serviced once a week.
Call (928) 726-1030 to get a trap set up.