You can now wear a vaccine passport on your wrist
PHOENIX (KYMA, KECY) - Goodbye vaccine selfie, and hello COVID verified bracelet! You can now wear a silicone bracelet to show everyone around you you've been vaccinated.
COVID Verified said its purple bracelet is an awareness brand similar to the LIVESTRONG bracelet that signifies an important message to the world: I AM COVID VERIFIED, and I AM SAFE.
It says you can now display your vaccination status with a bracelet indicating you're vaccinated. However, the company does not share, publish or distribute your information for any reason unless you approve your name to be displayed on a publicly available list.
But, Arizonans are not required to show proof of their vaccination status. Last month, Governor Doug Ducey issued an executive order banning vaccine passports. But COVID Verified says wearing the bracelet proudly displays to the world and the environment you've done your part.
To purchase a bracelet, click here.