‘Heroes United’ the latest exhibition at Art Center
Works range from classic styles to original pieces all on display for the public to enjoy
YUMA, Ariz. (KYMA, KECY) - Summers in Yuma are especially busy for the staff at the Yuma Art Center. Each year the venue offers a variety of activities for children and adults alike. But, when COVID-19 spread across the globe and social distancing was implemented the Yuma Art Center followed suit. So, little by little they began having events all the while maintaining a safe environment for those that took part.
The latest event is an exhibition that should spark an interest in the child in all of us. It's called 'Heroes United' a tribute to the phenomenon that started with a few pictures on paper and then grew into a cinematic masterpiece. Artist from far and wide put their work on display, the work ranges from renderings of the classic superheroes we all grew up with, to some original heroes. The exhibit goes on display on August 11th and viewings are by reservation only. Those interested can visit the Yuma Art Center's website and reserve a spot. The event is free to the public, but donations are always welcomed.
In the spirit of curiosity we asked the staff and the artists at the art center who their favorite comic book character was? Lindsay had a special connection with her favorite character "My favorite character is actually the Bionic Woman. So I was named after Lindsay Wagner. So I just have to do a shout out to the Bionic Woman".
Vincent was more into the anti-hero genre as he explained "My favorite comic book character of all time is Hellboy, the art is dark and gritty and the themes are very mature".
Lastly, we spoke to Luke who's favorite tells us about his superheroes abilities "I think my favorite would be Dare Devil because he's blind and he uses his ability as an advantage".