Local elementary schools receive donations of books

YUMA, Ariz. (KYMA, KECY) - Roosevelt and Mary A. Otondo Elementary Schools received a donation of more than 100 books from Yuma’s Philanthropic Educational Organization (P.E.O.) chapters.
Students are able to access more than 100 books in their classroom libraries said the press release.
According to the Yuma School District One, at the P.E.O. Founders' Day Luncheon, members donated new or gently used books for elementary school reading levels.
The P.E.O.'s also awarded both schools with Scholastics gift cards for more reading material for students said the press release.
District One’s Library Coordinator Amanda Coltman delivered the books to both schools on Thursday, February 2 and the students were excited about the new books said the press release.
“It’s wonderful when our local community members and organizations give back to our schools. When our students receive new books, it sends a strong message about the importance and joy of reading,” stated Coltman.