Crane School District informs parents of gun threat
Today the Crane School District learned of a potential gun threat at Crane Middle School.
Tonight Crane Public Relations Coordinator, Mario Hogue, sent out this e-mail to parents:
” Good evening –
An important message to parents, students and staff: Today, Wednesday, October 23, 2019, at the release of school students reported a potential school threat to Crane Middle School administration. The information was then reported to the School Resource Officer and Yuma Police Department. Yuma Police Department is actively investigating the potential school threat to determine viability.
The information currently provided to Crane School District and Yuma Police Department has been unable to be determined or substantiated. To ensure campus safety and security – Yuma Police Department will be onsite throughout the day at Crane Middle School. The safety, security and wellbeing of our students and staff are top-priority, all threats are taken seriously and will be processed based on the district’s policies and procedures. You will receive the most up-to-date information as it is made available.
Yuma Police Department is currently investigating the potential threat. ”
KYMA’s Crystal Jimenez will be at Crane Middle School Thursday morning to bring you the latest developments on this case. Tune in to Sunrise at 6 a.m. for her reports.
KYMA 2019