Youth bowlers headed to national championship tournaments
Yuma youth bowlers have seven Yuma/Imperial locals who will be headed to Dallas, Texas for three separate National Tournaments.
For the USA National Baker Team tournament, the bowlers are, Kru Santana, Victoria Potter, Alberto Bernal and Bradley Waples. They will represent for the 2nd year in a row the Southwest region. The regional qualifying tournament was held in Las Vegas, Nevada in January and several teams competed for the spot.
For the second tournament, it is the Junior Gold Championship, the following bowlers will be competing; Catelyn Croutch U20 division, Daniel Punte U20 division, Kru Santana U15 division, Alberto Bernal U15 division, Victoria Potter U15 division.
These kids will be bowling for scholarship money and a chance to earn a spot on Jr. Team USA bowling team. Several kids have participated before. This will be Catelyn’s 4th year representing Yuma and Victoria Potter’s 2nd year, Alberto’s 4th year and Kru’s 1st year.
The only way to qualify for this prestigious honor is to be the best of the best. Catelyn and Kru both went to California to battle for their place for Junior Gold. Victoria traveled to Mesa, AZ to win her place for Junior Gold and Alberto won right in Yuma, AZ.
For the third tournament, the Youth Open, Victoria Potter competed in Kingman, Arizona and took 1st place at the Pepsi State Handicap tournament along with 2nd place girl and 1st and 2nd place boy to form the 2018 Arizona Dream Team and represent Arizona in the 2018 National Youth Open Tournament.
To donate and contribute to their trip to Dallas, Tx, you can contact Monica Salazar at 928-581-7482 or head on over to their page: GOFUNDME: Bowlers headed to Nationals . They are raising funds at this time to get to Dallas. They have had a difficult time raising funds. All of their donations so far have come from 50/50 raffles that we hold at the Inca bowling alley.