How to keep energy bills down during record-breaking heat
Temperatures aren’t the only things setting records in the region, APS says customers set an all-time record for electricity usage this week. The electricity company says customers used 7,350 megawatts of energy between 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. Tuesday evening. That usage exceeded the previous record set more than 10 years ago.
With the heat not going anywhere anytime soon, one big question customers have is, “How can I keep running my air conditioner without running up my bill?” “It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3,” Anna Chaulk of the Arizona Public Service Company says. “So every degree you put your air condition up, so if you go from 80 degrees to 81 for example, you can save two to three dollars per month on your bill.” So if you can stand an extra one or two degrees in your house you can save considerable money across the year.”
Customers are also advised to use fans only when in the room, as they cool people but not necessarily cool down an entire room.