Mxico: detienen al probable homicida de dos sacerdotes en Veracruz
La Procuraduría General de Justicia de la Ciudad de Mexico arrestó a un hombre relacionado con el homicidio de dos sacerdotes en…
Continue ReadingLa Procuraduría General de Justicia de la Ciudad de Mexico arrestó a un hombre relacionado con el homicidio de dos sacerdotes en…
Continue ReadingLa candidato presidencial demócrata Hillary Clinton aventaja a su rival republicano Donald Trump por ocho puntos entre los posibles votantes,…
Continue ReadingEn el condado de Yuma hay alrededor de 1.100 niños que no tienen cobertura medica, a nivel estatal existen 14.000. Sin embargo, programas como…
Continue Reading13 On Your Side wants to know your thoughts: Pat Benatar said it best “Love is a battlefield” and although most relationships end…
Continue ReadingLa cadena nacional de radio, La Campesina 88.3 FM visito el parque de la amistad en San Luis, Arizona para discutir temas importantes en la frontera.…
Continue ReadingUna mujer que afirma que Donald Trump realizó acercamientos sexuales no consentidos hacia ella en la decada de 1970 dijo a CNN el jueves que…
Continue ReadingUna mujer que afirma que Donald Trump realizó acercamientos sexuales no consentidos hacia ella en la decada de 1970 dijo a CNN el jueves que…
Continue Reading13 On Your Side wants to know your thoughts: The world is asking if #repealthe19th is a joke or are people actually serious about repealing the 19th…
Continue ReadingAfter three years, the city of Somerton is in the process of building a state of the art medical center that will provide a range of services and…
Continue ReadingDespues de tres años el Centro Regional de Salud Fronteriza inaugura su centro medico y educativo, lideres de Somerton, del estado y de la…
Continue Reading13 On Your Side wants to know your thoughts: Rock and roll icon Bob Dylan has received many accolades over the six decades that he has been producing…
Continue ReadingSegún información del New York Times, dos mujeres afirman que Donald Trump las tocó de manera inapropiada. El reporte fue…
Continue ReadingEl cantante estadounidense y ganador de múltiples premios Grammy Bob Dylan acaba de sumar a su carrera una distinción única y…
Continue ReadingEarly voting began for registered voters in Arizona today. The Yuma County Recorder’s office is sending out 52,000 early voting ballots this…
Continue ReadingYuma residents can expect to see more military aircraft flying through the sky and military vehicles throughout the city. The Weapons and Tactics…
Continue ReadingCALEXICO, Calif. – A neighborhood is concerned over and increase in accidents happening on a busy street after a hit and run occurred in the…
Continue ReadingLa propuesta 206 para aumentar el sueldo mínimo a $12 la hora en arizona para el año 2020, tiene a residentes del estado divididos, en…
Continue ReadingA special breakfast dedicated to athletes and volunteers with the Special Olympics Arizona took place Wednesday morning at the Palms RV Resort. This…
Continue ReadingThe Yuma Police Department is investigating several reports of shots fired in a neighborhood. Officers issued a statement Wednesday morning, where…
Continue Reading13 On Your Side wants to know your thoughts: Since it’s launch in 1961, Covergirl’s make-up line has always had a face to spearhead their…
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