Man sentenced to prison for assaulting agent
Twenty-nine-year-old Jose Perdomo is serving time in prison after assaulting an agent in March, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection.…
Continue ReadingTwenty-nine-year-old Jose Perdomo is serving time in prison after assaulting an agent in March, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection.…
Continue ReadingA competitive Republican Senate primary and a three-way race to be the Democrat who challenges incumbent Gov. Doug Ducey are the marquee races for…
Continue ReadingAre you going to cast your vote on the 2018 Arizona primary election? The primary election is Tuesday, August 28. Voting begins at 6:00 a.m. and ends…
Continue ReadingSuburban Phoenix police officers shown on video beating an unarmed black man as he stood against a wall three months ago should not face criminal…
Continue ReadingA Mexican national with a history of sexual and spousal abuse was arrested by Border Patrol agents near Gadsden, Ariz. Friday night. Yuma Sector…
Continue ReadingMonday afternoon, the Mesa Heights Apartment complex reopened its doors to the first round of families. Earlier this year, the Mesa Heights Apartment…
Continue ReadingImperial Valley College received 1 million dollars from the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office. The college plans to launch a…
Continue ReadingEl Departamento de Policía de Yuma arrestó a un estudiante despues de que supuestamente hizo amenazas en Cibola High School el lunes.…
Continue ReadingThe Yuma Police Department arrested a student after he allegedly made threats at Cibola High School Monday. Yuma Union High School District said the…
Continue ReadingFormer Arizona Senate Majority leader reminisced on the first time he met Senator John McCain. Alfredo Gutierrez said he was 26 when he met McCain…
Continue ReadingOur latest and greatest episode of “Small Town Smack Talk” features second-year Central Spartans head football coach, Rookie Peña.…
Continue ReadingIn today’s Home Grown we are talking about GMOs. Take a look in your refrigerator or pantry and you most likely find something with a NON GMO…
Continue ReadingWho says selfies are only a generational thing? Check out this group of senior citizens celebrating Senior Selfie Month by snapping pictures and…
Continue ReadingEl Departamento de Policía de Yuma y el Departamento de Bomberos de Yuma están en la escena de un avión de emergencia que…
Continue ReadingEl Consulado Mexicano arranco la decima edición de la semana de los derechos laborales el lunes por la mañana, en honor al día…
Continue ReadingComerciantes del Centro de Calexico sobreviven a diario ya que las ventas van a la baja. El regreso a clases inició este lunes tanto para los…
Continue ReadingSeveral services and ceremonies to honor the life of U.S. Senator John McCain will begin Wednesday in Phoenix. McCain passed away Saturday in his…
Continue ReadingBorder Patrol agents found over $5,000 worth of methamphetamine that was allegedly smuggled into downtown Calexico Friday afternoon. According to a…
Continue ReadingThe Yuma Police Department and the Yuma Fire Department are at the scene of an emergency plane landing at the Yuma County Fairgrounds Monday morning.…
Continue ReadingFlags at the White House were back at full-staff Monday, even as Senate leaders of both parties formally requested American flags at government…
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