Bear with us: Local non-profit helps comfort children

YUMA, Ariz. (KYMA, KECY) - A little hope and comfort after experiencing a traumatic event can go a long way for children, which is why the Assistance League of Yuma (ALY) partners with local law enforcement to give out teddy bears.
ALY has provided these sources of comfort with the ALBY bears to first responders for years.
One of the most recent additions to the bears are the special hats they wear made with love by a group of volunteers. These volunteers dedicate their time to hand knit them together.
According to one of the volunteers, it takes a little more than three hours to make just one beanie.
So whether it's joining together in a group or finishing them at home, they make sure they get the job done.
Not only are the beanies made to be worn by the bears but the children who receive them too. The children are able to remove the hats from the bear and keep them for themselves to stay warm.
One responder told one of the volunteers that his stepdaughter has received three ALBY bears because she has had three medical emergencies due to her cerebral palsy.