Family concerned over conditions in Yuma State Prison

YUMA, Ariz. ( KYMA, KECY)- The Arizona Department of Corrections currently has registered 124 inmates who have tested positive for the coronavirus at the state prison in Yuma since the pandemic began.
It is a smaller percentage than what we are seeing throughout Yuma County, but it still has family members of those locked up concerned.
Mia Gage's partner is serving three-times for robbery at the Yuma State Prison, he was transferred from Kingman Prison and was moved to Yuma in the last year.
“How terrible would it be if one of our loved ones got sick or god forbid passes away. We would never get the chance to bring them home," said Gage.
News 11 reached out to the Department of Corrections for comment.
The department stated that it keeps a rigorous ongoing symptoms checks across all state complexes including temperature checks for anyone entering the facilities.