Voter turnout in the Imperial Valley
There are about 55 voting poll locations throughout the Imperial Valley with 70,000 registered voters. About half of those have already voted by mail.
Deborah Porter, with the Imperial County Registrar of Voters, emphasizes how important it is for the community to get out and vote.
“It’s better to vote for those who you wish to be in office to represent the way you think and the way you think you’d like to see the district move forward,” said Porter.
First-time voter, Daniel Nieto, shared how important it is for him to contribute to the community by voting.
“It makes me feel great actually because I actually have a voice now and having a voice in any election is very crucial,” said Nieto.
Results are expected to roll in shortly after 8 p.m. and the registrar’s office is expected to update results every two hours until midnight. The office has been open since 7 a.m. and is expected to close at 8 p.m.