Yuma man accused of sexually assaulting a minor accepts plea deal
YUMA, Ariz. (KYMA, KECY) - What was supposed to be the start of a trial for a local man accused of molesting a child turned into a plea agreement.
37-year-old Matthew David Lillie has now accepted a plea offer on Tuesday for one count of molestation of a child and one count of attempted sexual conduct with a minor.
Lillie's looking at a range of 10 to 39 years in prison.
"The court finds that these two counts have been made knowingly, intelligently and voluntary," said Judge David Haws.
A victim's representative addressed the court: "She just wanted the court to know that she was prepared to go to trial, and she understands the plea, and had her input in that, and so, she is ready to go forward."
Lillie could also be fined and have to serve probation.
There are also other requirements Lillie would have to follow if and when he is released.
"You will be required to register as a sex offender, have no contact with the victims. You agree to pay restitution for all economic loses to the victims and their insurance companies for all original counts," Haws said.
Lillie is currently set to appear back in court next month to be sentenced.