Imperial County student test scores continue to rise
The latest scores from the California Assessment of Student Performance showed that Imperial County is exceeding other counties with similar socio-economic backgrounds.
Dorene Johnson, Administrator of Grants, Evaluation and Accountability for the Imperial County Office of Education said 5 years ago only 32 percent of students met or exceeded the state standard for English language arts but this past spring that number rose to over 45 percent which is an increase of over 13 percent.
The county saw a similar trend with math as well.
“Districts are growing, schools are growing and as a county we’re growing. So teachers work diligently to look at this data to see what tweeks or adjustments they need to make. And I think what this data this year is saying is that we’re on the right track and we just need to keep pushing forward,” said Johnson.
Parents can go to click here to understand the scores their child received.
KYMA 2019