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Grand Canyon tops list of ‘best budget-friendly vacations’

Summer is approaching quickly and for many, that means many families are already looking for budget-friendly vacation spots.

If you’re looking for a spot that won’t break the bank, look no further than the U.S. World and News Report, who announced it’s Best Cheap Summer Vacations ranking.

The U.S. News & World Report analyzed expert and user opinions for the rankings.

One destination that tops the list is right in our own backyard.

The report listed the Grand Canyon in Arizona as the number one budget-friendly vacation.

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The hot-spot is managed by the National Park Service, the area offers spectacular views and activities such as hikes, horseback riding, and river rafting.

The Grand Canyon also tops the list for “Best Places to visit in Arizona” and “Best Adventure Vacations in the USA.”

Click here for more on the top budget-friendly places to visit.

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