Former Calexico police chief takes stand on race for Imperial County Sheriff
Hilton Smith responds to former police chief - News 11's Wiley Jawhary reports
EL CENTRO, Calif. (KYMA, KECY) - The race for Imperial County Sheriff is heating up, as the former Calexico Police Chief is making his position clear, supporting Fred Miramontes for sheriff.
Gonzalo Gerardo retired as the chief of police in December 2021. He says he believes Hilton Smith is not the best candidate for the position of Imperial County Sheriff.
"This is my opinion as a citizen of Imperial County and being in law enforcement for 30 years, what I have seen he does not have the experience to be the Sheriff, I am not saying he is a bad person," he said.
Gerardo says Smith does not have the experience to handle budget and personnel. Smith on the other hand has not taken to kindly to those remarks.
"If they did their research, they would find I have been a board of directors for the El Centro Regional Medical Center, I have had the ability to oversee million dollar budgets and personnel, I have the experience," he said.
News 11's Wiley Jawhary will have the latest between the candidate and former police chief on the Evening Edition at 6 p.m.