Train kills man along Highway 95

YCSO urges caution along railroad tracks.
YUMA, Ariz. (KYMA, KECY) - A train struck and killed a man Saturday morning on a stretch of tracks that runs along Highway 95.
The Yuma County Sheriff's Office says it happened just before nine.
Deputies say 58-year-old Jerry Moore, Jr., of Colorado Springs, was walking along the railroad tracks while a train was heading northbound. They say Moore couldn't get out of the way in time. The train hit and killed him.
YCSO continues to investigate the incident. It offers this guidance for staying safe in the area of railroad tracks:
- Always expect a train!
- ·Trains do not follow a set schedule, so they can come at any time of day from either direction.
- A train traveling at 55 MPH can take more than a mile to stop.
- Trains overhang railroad tracks by three feet or more on either side. Even when you are not standing directly on the tracks, you risk being hit by a train by being on railroad property.
- Despite their size, trains are relatively quiet and do not always sound warning horns when approaching a crossing.
- Never attempt to walk under, around or between train cars, even when a train is at a complete stop.
- It is illegal to access private railroad property anywhere other than a designated pedestrian or roadway crossing. Trespassers are most often pedestrians who walk across or along railroad tracks as a shortcut to another destination.
Anyone with information on this case, is urged to call the Yuma County Sheriff’s Office at 928-783-4427 or 78-CRIME to remain anonymous. You can also submit an anonymous tip on the YCSO website.