City of Calexico seeks traffic control solutions

CALEXICO, Calif. (KYMA, KECY) - The City of Calexico along with the Local Transportation Authority sat down Wednesday night to discuss solutions that will help Calexico with traffic control.
The room was divided when the City of Calexico proposed a grant that could help them control traffic that has caused problems like car crashes and injuries.
"I understand the big need, the need is in Calexico and it impacts the whole entire county. I am here in support," said Councilmember of Brawley Gil Rebollar.
Calexico's vice mayor says about four traffic control officers in the last two months have been injured due to the traffic manly on Birch Street
"It's 34,000 people or 34,000 vehicles passing everyday, that's the population of Calexico in cars coming through every single day and going back every single day," said Vice Mayor of Calexico Raul Urena.
Originally, the city had asked for $250,000, it would have also helped start a plan proposed by engineers in 2018 that would close off Imperial Avenue and send traffic to Cesar Chavez Boulevard.
Vice chair of Imperial County board of supervisors says Calexico has always had a traffic problem and was unable to agree with the request but doesn’t mean he wont support some type of request.
“I would feel a lot more comfortable if the come back with a resolution from their city council unanimously or at least by majority committing to implementing this traffic flows that you know that they think they will help,” Vice chair of Imperial County, said Luis Plancarte.
Now the committee wants Calexico to develop a strategic plan and present it at a roundtable next month.