UPDATE: Power restored to all Yuma residents

Electricity out for more than 4-hours in some areas
YUMA, Ariz. (KYMA, KECY) - Arizona Public Service has restored power to all Yuma residents.
Two major power line went down just after 12:30 Monday afternoon.
The larger outage affected more than 1,600 people between 24th and 36th Streets and Arizona Avenue and Avenue 3E. Crews restored power to those homes and businesses around 2:30.
A second outage Gila Levee and Gila Ridge Road and Avenues 3E and 6 1/2E is took longer to fix. The lights finally came back on around 6:00 p.m.
Arizona Public Service crews continue to work on an outage that left more than 600 Yuma customers in the dark.
Two major power lines went down just after 12:30 Monday afternoon. More than 2,000 households and businesses lost electricity.
APS crews repaired the larger of the two outages fairly quickly. Power came back on around 2:30.
A second outage Gila Levee and Gila Ridge Road and Avenues 3E and 6 1/2E is taking longer to fix. APS now says it expects to restore the power before 8:40 Monday night.
YUMA, Ariz. (KYMA, KECY) - Arizona Public Service crews are still working to restore power to more than 600 customers in Yuma.
Two major power line went down just after 12:30 Monday afternoon.
The larger outage affected more than 1,600 people between 24th and 36th Streets and Arizona Avenue and Avenue 3E. Crews restored power to those homes and businesses around 2:30.
Those between Gila Levee and Gila Ridge Road and Avenues 3E and 6 1/2E remain in the dark.
APS predicts it will have power restored by 5:40 p.m.
UPDATE 2:37 P.M.:
YUMA, Ariz. (KYMA, KECY) - Arizona Public Service has restored power to some 1,600 customers between 24th and 36th Streets and Arizona Avenue and Avenue 3E.
Crews are still repairing a downed line between Gila Levee and Gila Ridge Road and Avenues 3E and 6 1/2E.
APS expects power to be fully restored before 5 p.m.
YUMA, Ariz. (KYMA, KECY) - More than 2,000 Yuma residents are currently without power after Monday's storm knocks down two lines.
More than 1,600 customers are in the dark between 24th and 36th Streets and Arizona Avenue and Avenue 3E.
Another 600 people in are the dark between Gila Levee and Gila Ridge Road and Avenues 3E and 6 1/2E.
In both cases, crews are on site making repairs. APS expects power to be fully restored before 5 p.m.