Mexico attacks won’t stop local church

Oasis Church has mission tripped planned for January
YUMA, Ariz. (KYMA) - The murder of nine Americans in Sonora on Monday is another example of crimes involving religion making headlines.
During Monday’s attack, three women and six children were gunned down in their SUV’s during the day. The family was part of a Mexico-based offshoot of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
In addition to this attack, there have been two fatal mass shootings at faith-based buildings in the United States in the past two years.
The risk of religion related tragedies isn’t going to stop local pastor and the members at Oasis Church in Yuma from going on their mission trips in Mexico.
"It is fearful what happens if we go down there,” said the lead pastor at Oasis Church, Robert Van Horn. “Being faith-based we pray, we ask God’s guidance, and we go.
Van Horn said his church frequently goes to Puerto Peñasco to build houses with the next trip planned for January.