Local RV park donates over $3,000 to Toys for Tots
The funds, raised through community efforts, will go toward providing toys and gifts for families in…
Continue ReadingThe funds, raised through community efforts, will go toward providing toys and gifts for families in…
Continue ReadingLocals got the opportunity to give back as Vitalant hosted the third and final day of the Holiday Heroes Blood Drive Saturday…
Continue ReadingFriday was the second day of the Yuma Holiday Heroes Blood Drive by…
Continue ReadingThursday afternoon, Vitalant brought out one of their blood drive donation trucks to collect as many donations as possible as a part of a three day…
Continue ReadingIf you’re looking for a reason to smile this holiday season, the Make-a-Wish Holiday Wish line is here to…
Continue ReadingKnicks star Mikal Bridges purchased over 55 gifts to cover the families entire wishlists, including basic need items, laptops, strollers and…
Continue ReadingSeveral influential organizations, small businesses and people throughout Yuma County teamed up to raise money and food for those in need during this…
Continue ReadingLocal non-profit Crossroads Mission is hosting their Three days of Christmas, where they served 1,000 Outbound meals and 665 outside…
Continue ReadingThe City of Reno said the tradition was started by firefighter Sam Saibini almost 90 years ago and is traditionally known as the Sam Saibini…
Continue ReadingLocal Veterans got the surprise of their life Sunday morning when the living room at Right Turn for Yuma Veterans was remodeled with new…
Continue ReadingThe event, held at Yuma Grit Combat Athletics, aimed to collect toys for families in shelters and government assistance…
Continue ReadingThe Chile Pepper restaurant is hosting its 3rd Annual “Posada” event on…
Continue ReadingThere were tens of cars lined up waiting to pick up their holiday bag along with a turkey or…
Continue ReadingYou’ve heard us talk about it for months now and we’ve chosen our winner for our “Giving for Groceries”…
Continue ReadingLast month, a third grader in Arizona jumped into action when he realized his classmate was choking on a grape. On Tuesday, the Mesa Fire Department…
Continue ReadingGiving back for a good cause! Westwind Golf and RV Resort is fundraising for the local Toys for Tots drive. On Tuesday, local marines came out to…
Continue ReadingDonations will help send local elementary students to our Territorial Prison, the Colorado State Historical Park, and the Yuma East…
Continue ReadingThe San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council helped over 200 families in Imperial County this holiday season through its annual food and toy…
Continue ReadingThe giveaway started at 5:00 p.m. at Ashley Furniture, located at 2790 S. 4th Avenue, and this is part of Hope to Dream, which the store chain is a…
Continue ReadingThe drive took place at noon at Joe Henry Memorial Park, where locals donated their coats and blankets that they don’t wear…
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